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Great Lakes Wrecks Wrecks From Around the World
Lake Huron (Wexford, North Wind, Tobermory and wrecks off Alpena, Harbor Beach, Port Sanilac and wrecks on the Huron side of the Straits of Mackinac, etc.)

Two new wrecks added in 2014 and Tobermory extensively updated and has its own page.

Bell Island Wrecks, Newfoundland, Canada (I called Newfoundland a "Chuuk Lagoon North" - and the best part is, it is only a 3 hr flight from Toronto!)

Completely redesigned following 2013 trip. Couple of new pages added.

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St. Lawrence River (Brockville, Rockport, etc.) anchors2-thumb.jpg (2434 bytes) Chuuk (Truk) Lagoon, March 2004 (pictures taken during the two week stay aboard Truk Odyssey) pilothouse3_thumb.jpg (28809 bytes)
Lake Ontario (numerous wrecks near Kingston, Ontario, including two Picton deep wrecks)

Several wrecks updated in 2014, Jamieson added.
Zenobia, Cyprus (600 ft long  ferry)

Initiated in 2002. Pictures of middle and upper car decks and engine room added in 2007

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Lake Erie (wrecks of the Long Point and eastern side of the lake)

Wrecks added in 2007: W. Irving, Indiana, Dean Richmond, Acme (Propeller), John Boland

prop1_thumb.jpg (3506 bytes) Red Sea North (includes Thistlegorm, Carnatic, Giannis D, Rosalie Muller and others) front page_wreck.jpg (17471 bytes)
Lake Michigan (Straits of Mackinac) lake michigan.jpg (15684 bytes) Caribbean and Florida Keys (Bibb, Duane and Eagle offshore FLorida Keys and Aguilar, Odyssey off Roatan, etc.)


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Lake Superior (Whitefish Point) Untitled-11-thub.jpg (2929 bytes) Ice Diving (technically speaking it is not wreck diving, but it is definitely not the reef diving - hence it is my wrecks albums) hole_buddy1_thumb.jpg (2171 bytes)